performans tartışmaları


Comparisons for

wind turbine performances


(Özel tip Rüzgar Türbinleri ile ilgili Açıklamalar)

CYCLOGIRO-GIROMILL tipi türbinlerin performans eğrisi, rüzgar türbinleri performans grafiklerinin teorik maksimum eğrisinin bir miktar üzerinde yer almaktadır. Bu aşma nasıl olmuştur?:  CYCLOGIRO türbini, rüzgara karşı gelerek çalışan türbinlerin tarama alanlarından daha da geniş bir "etki alanı" oluşturmak suretiyle rüzgara karşı geniş bir "sanal  kesit alanı" oluşturmaktadır. BETZ limiti bu sanal alana göre oluştuğu için, daha yüksek bir performans elde edilmektedir. Performans,sadece "net kesit alana" göre hesaplandığından bu yüksek performans elde edilmektedir. Performans, daha geniş olan  "sanal etki alanı kesit bölgesine" göre hesaplanmış olsa idi, BETZ limiti aşılmamış olacaktı.

Please note that, cyclogiro-turbine performance curve slightly exceeds the theoretical maximum for wind-axis turbines because the cyclogiro turbine decelerates a larger portion of the wind than does a wind-axis turbine of the same projected area of rotor disk.


Rüzgara-Karşı çalışan rüzgar türbinlerinden birisi de CYCLOGIRO rüzgar türbinidir. (Bakınız Şekil) Bu türbin DARRIEUS Rüzgar türbinine benzemekle birlikte, iki farklı özellği vardır: İlk olarak, CYCLOGIRO'da güç kanatları dikeydir.

The third important cross-wind-axis turbine, the cyclogiro wind turbine (Fig. 6), is similiar to the Darrieus rotor but with two important differences. First, the airfoils are straight, and second, the orientation (pitch) of the blades is continuously changed during rotation to maximize wind force. The peak power coeeficients predicted for those turbines are greater than for any turbine (Fig. 2) Notice that the cyclogiro-turbine performance curve slightly exceeds the theoretical maximum for wind-axis turbines because the cyclogiro turbine decelerates a larger portion of the wind than does a wind-axis turbine of the same projected area of rotor disk.


Comparisons for

wind turbine performances


(Explanations on some special exceptions)

Please note that, cyclogiro-turbine performance curve slightly exceeds the theoretical maximum for wind-axis turbines because the cyclogiro turbine decelerates a larger portion of the wind than does a wind-axis turbine of the same projected area of rotor disk.

The third important cross-wind-axis turbine, the cyclogiro wind turbine (Fig. 6), is similiar to the Darrieus rotor but with two important differences. First, the airfoils are straight, and second, the orientation (pitch) of the blades is continuously changed during rotation to maximize wind force. The peak power coeeficients predicted for those turbines are greater than for any turbine (Fig. 2) Notice that the cyclogiro-turbine performance curve slightly exceeds the theoretical maximum for wind-axis turbines because the cyclogiro turbine decelerates a larger portion of the wind than does a wind-axis turbine of the same projected area of rotor disk.

